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McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. are developing a Master Park Plan for Gentry.  This plan is a work in progress and your input is valuable. These plans show revisions and improvements to the current Gentry City Park.  Please note, that while not all current amenities are shown on this plan, most will be kept and worked into the new Master Park Plan.  The City of Gentry will host a town hall meeting on May 15th starting at 6:00 p.m. in the Gentry Library McKee Community Room located at 105 E. Main St, where details on the Master Park Plan along with updates on other current projects will be shared.  Please drop in to hear all the exciting things happening in Gentry!

Proposed Updates to City Park at 611 W Main St.

Undeveloped 28+ acre future park property located near the end of Avalon Drive and South Smith Avenue

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